Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Power of Words to Make You Overweight

In this article, I will reveal some words that have a power over you and your behavior that you might not even suspect!  As a hypnotherapist, I have learned and witnessed how certain words leverage your power to make a change when you want to be slim and how other words unconciously sabotage your efforts.

The Word 'Diet' is Associated with Deprivation

"DIET" is an unproductive word for most people desring to be slim.   In fact, the majority of us cringe just saying the word!  Why?  A diet is a set of rules you follow in order to achieve a goal weight or size.  Most of us, whether we like it or not, associate dieting with a sense of deprivation which can actually cause a rebound effect described in the Diet-Being Cycle.

The Diet-Binge Cycle
The Diet-Binge Cycle progresses like this:  you diet, you feel deprived, you soothe yourself with comfort food and overeating, you feel guilty that you overate or binged. And then, you go and diet again. ..a never ending cycle. 

Hypnosis and Guided Imagery are very powerful self-help tools that can help you to break the Diet/Binge Cycle.  With their help, you can learn how to change the beliefs that you have about certain foods so that when you make changes in eating patterns, then you don't feel deprived.  The same tools are, also, very powerful in helping you to break patterns of stress induced and emotional eating. 

Say, "Slim Down" Instead!
"LOSE WEIGHT" is another word phrase that sabotages you.  Think about how the word is most often used in the English language. Almost all phrases containing words like "LOSE", "LOSS" or "LOST" convey a negative connotation.  By that I mean, that usually when we lose something, we perceive it to be a bad thing.   Furthermore, whatever you have lost is usually something you desire to recover and own again.

Here are some of the most common examples where LOSING has a negative and oftentimes unwanted effect that will stimulate the unconscious to recover what has been lost:
  • Lose an Object Like Your Car Keys or Cell Phone
  • Lose a Game
  • Lose a Job
  • Lose Sight of the Goal
  • Lose a Loved One
  • Lose Your Patience
  • Lose Your Motivation
    Your Motivation Perhaps?
  • Lose Your Mind!

From a logical standpoint, saying "Lose Weight" to become slim is like saying, "Lose Slowness" to run faster or "Lose Clutter" when you want your house to be clean.  It doesn't make sense. 

Your inner mind tends to take everything you say literally.  It is why I highly recommend that you avoid self-criticism and negative statements that your inner mind will take as an affirmation like "I am so fat."  The inner mind responds to positive suggestions and statements that are clear and make sense.  To be clear with yourself and your subconscious mind, phrase your intention in a positive way by saying you are "shedding weight" or "getting rid of pounds."  Affirm you desired outcome by saying, "I am slimming down" or  "I am getting healthy."  You might be surprised how just the simplest change in how you say something can make the biggest difference in how your inner mind supports you to be successfully slim!

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